Current Affairs (L’Actualité)

Karen Carpenter did not die when she was reported to have died.  Here’s proof that she did not die at thirty-two years of age as reported everywhere.  Ms. Carpenter is near fifty in this video.

How is this explained?  The Carpenters may have been the butt of jokes as a brother-sister act, so they checked out of the music industry.  Or maybe they were just burnt out.

This opens the door for the possibility that other musicians are still alive, having faked their passing.  These might include: Jerry Garcia, Jim Croce, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison, or even Elvis Presley.

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Trump pardoned 1,500-plus insurrectionists from January 6th, 2021, including ones who assaulted police officers.

I figured I could go easy on Trump as he settles into the White House, but oh, my, my, what could he be thinking?  This is dark.  Trump may ultimately say something along the lines of: “To avoid distraction, I needed a fresh start or a clean slate, for the new administration to function.”  But to have the commander-in-chief pardon cop-killers?  1/21/25.

All I wanted to hear at the Trump Inauguration, and I didn’t, was that Medicare and Social Security would be untouched.  Good luck, President Trump.

This wasn’t quite Kennedy’s call for public service — “ask not what your country can do for you” — more, lets go to Mars.  First Lady Melania Trump was very well attired, though — Gwynnie, note talk-show, talking point.  1/20/25 (also MLK day).

If you’re a homeowner, you pay property tax to help support your community’s library.  Patronize their services.  If visiting in person is inconvenient, check out your library’s on-line resources.  There are books available on-line, as well as magazines and newspapers, such as Consumer Reports, and the New York Times.  Librarians are a dedicated lot fostering literacy at every age and level.  Most library systems also have substantial collections of audio CDs and audio books, that like print books, can even be requested from other, county libraries.  1/20/25.

I used a microwave oven for the first time in my life today.  I have reached stasis with the culinary universe.  I held off using one, because of unfounded disease fears, not backed by any statistical measure.  I will say this: Microwaves meals (like ones from FreshDirect) are fast, and easy to prepare, and have little (or no) pots and pans to clean up.  1/20/25.

Who caught President Biden’s farewell address?  Who is the class act, Biden or Trump?  1/15/25.

(We’re in the process of developing a French version of The Other Letter named (appeller) L’Autre Lettre.  We have the funding, the manpower, and the French-Canadian work visas, we just need to find the time...  1/13/25.)

Southern California is fighting devastating wildfires.  Instead of passive prayer, you might want to consider tangible action, like contributing to a disaster relief agency, such as the Red Cross.

You could do both, or just be glad you’re unaffected where you live — but let’s be honest, talking to the clouds won’t do a damn thing to help SoCal.  God is around us — as evidenced by self-reliant, majestic Creation — not above us — as in passive prayer.  By the way, there’s no Santa Claus either.  1/08/25.

Happy new year one and all!  May this year be better than the last, although with unpredictable Trump one can never be too sure.  Hopefully, with this go-round, he’ll be known more for a robust economy, than irresponsible cheap shots.  (Remember “look at both sides” with Nazis in Charlottesville, “lock her up [Secretary of State Hillary Clinton]”, saying Africa was a continent of “sh*thole nations”, and worst of all, getting away, scot-free, with inciting a riot on January 6th, 2021.)

I try to be somewhat “fair and balanced” on this blog, this op-ed page, although I am a lifelong Democrat.  Fiscal, balance-the-budget conservatives I can tolerate; social conservatives, who deny women agency over their own bodies, I really find repugnant, and misogynistic.  Trump plays both hands.

By the way, I do not have any obligation, Constitutional or otherwise, to be “fair and balanced,” but I do try to attract readers to my message of treating people with respect, from both sides of the aisle.  Competition mostly belongs on the pitch; cutthroat competition has no place in a civilized society.  1/01/2025.

Repeal 2A.  1/02/25.

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